Friday, May 05, 2006

i really dislike having garage sales. it takes forever to get everthing organized, brought out to the garage, then put countless stickers on everything. then as soon as everything is ready to go it RAINS!!!!! what is up with that, come on! and then the people who do make it out come and drive by, stare into your garage and then drive by assuming that you have nothing to offer....yet when i look at all the stuff i see great deals. so, guess what i am doing right got it, i am sitting in my garage bundled up with the heater on and the baby sitting in the swing. let me just tell you what fun we are having :) don't get me wrong, i really do like garage sales, just not having them (especially having to put it all away again after it is all said and done.) okay, i have said all i have to say....right now! thanks for listening.

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