Sunday, July 16, 2006

oh boy! the lake

it's only the beginning....our first of many trips to papa and ohie's lakehouse. so much fun i must say. it was so incredibly hot out....we had to be extra careful with the girls, but they did great. kylee had a blast, especially floating on the raft with me (her personal boat with oars.) it's amazing how only a few hours out there could wear you out so fast. we were exhausted and a little sun burned. i can't wait for more weekends like it. thanks mom and dad.


donna said...

it was certainly a good day. i still can't believe how good kylee did at the end of the day. out in the middle of the lake with no one holding her (except her lifevest of course). she's getting too big. :)

hannah said...

super fun. way better than church. we missed you guys, and donna practically ran out of the sanctuary. i would too.

Anonymous said...

Dad and I are looking forward to many happy memories being made on that lake. God has been so generous to bless us with this opportunity. Kylee, I cannot believe what a good swimmer you are. Your blue and pink magic jacket was great and you learned how to use it so quickly. What a big girl you are. Love, Ohie