Monday, October 16, 2006

love those veggies

most of you already know that i make most of lainey's baby food, and she typically loves them. actually, she can barely contain herself when she see's them being pulled from the fridge, but last night was a little different. i decided to change things up a bit, i made a mix of carrots, broccoli and cauliflower (i had the mylicon drops very close by.) well, as you could she wasn't a big fan, but in spite of that she did eat the whole thing. we got a big kick out of watching her reaction to it.


Angie Clayton said...

That's too funny! I can't believe she kept opening up her mouth for more, shuddering and gagging all the way! What a hoot!

Anonymous said...

I just love this video! It is hilarious! Alan's funny remarks and laughter made it even funnier. I think she is a girl that is not going to want to ever miss a meal!