Monday, November 13, 2006

dancin' fool

are we starving for attention or what? i don't know if you will think this is as funny as we did, but i just couldn't resist. she is going to hate me one of these days for posting this. but man, this girl can dance....and everyone needs to see. she has danced in front of the camera numerous times, but this takes the cake. i think she was just lovin' the full attention of mom and dad. she is just so stinkin' cute, and she's always good for a laugh (honey, i don't mean that in a bad are just so funny)!


Anonymous said...
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Angie Clayton said...

Hilarious!!!! Streaming tears of laughter here!!

donna said...

the lyrics to "dancing queen" come to mind.

Anonymous said...

Kylee is very observant. I think I've seen those moves before! She is way beyond her years when it comes to dancing. Did you guys dance at the wedding last month? Kylee really is stinkin cute as you put it!
Love you guys,
Grama and GG