Thursday, August 13, 2009

grade one

i am not sure what is wrong with me but i CANNOT stop thinking about the fact that my big baby is going to be in the first grade! i honestly thought i wouldn't give it a second thought....but now i sit here and i can't stop thinking about it. she is really going to be gone all day long...then come home, have a snack, do a little homework, play, eat, wash up and go to bed. is it just me or did the days just seem to shorten? i am seriously overwhelmed and consumed with these thoughts at the moment. what am i going to do? yes, i know that she is not leaving for college, but it really makes me feel sad....sad that i didn't hold her a little longer, a little tighter, along with a lot more kisses. her school career is officially beginning...i am so excited for her (because, yes, i was the weird girl who LOVED school), but also nervous. okay, it's official, i feel a bit nauseous...i think i need to go distract myself!

1 comment:

Debbie Christensen said...

A "little homework"?? It's a good amount and don't forget weekly spelling words! Oh... and bone up on your math, for the timed math tests. :)