Wednesday, September 26, 2007


i am so honored to make this post. thirty seven years ago today my husbands parents (mom and dad r.) tied the knot. what an accomplishment, what a blessing! God sure knew what he was doing when he brought you two together. There is so much love between the two of you....God's love....selfless just pours out. i am so lucky to have been able to par-take in that love (still par-taking :)) what a great example you are. not only to us, but to the girls and everyone else who is watching. i watch, i've watched for a long time now. just seeing the two of you last night in the parking lot hand in hand. showering each other with love and respect. you fit together like a glove. the way you look at one another....when you dance. i love watching the two of you dance. so beautiful. you two are great. we don't tell you enough. mom, dad, thank you for your marriage, and for your gracious love. without it, i would not be married to your wonderful son whom i long to be married to for 37 years too(and them some.) we love you so much. we hope you have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bruce and Toni on making it to 37 years of marriage! Can I tell you something you might like to hear? Even though it is hard work, it just keeps getting better and better! To be able to go to the movies, holding hands with your best friend in the entire world (who knows you best, warts and all) sqeezing your hand when something sentimental comes on the screen and looking into each others eyes with pure delight..knowing that you are safe and loved, building more memories together that you will take with you into eternity! You two are most blessed. Savor every minute you have together. We hope you have many, many more years to celebrate your union. May God bless you both,
Lovingly in Jesus always,
Bob and Pat
Thanks Shannon for your tribute to honor their love and commitment to one another. It truly is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your wonderful tribute. God has blessed us in so many ways. We are indeed lucky to have each other, just as lucky to have you and the "girls" as part of our family. We know that you and Alan will be celebrating your 37th as well.
Love Mom & Dad
P.S. Thanks Bob and Pat for your wonderful posting as well. That "friendship" is the best part of all the years of marriage.