it is quiet in my house and i am unable to sleep before work tonight...probably because my brain is buzzing...and the wind is banging the crap out of my blinds....anyway. i have been reading a book by one of my favorite authors, it is one out of an endless series (which i love) and i can obviously tell that the theme is "moving on....leaving" which makes sense since the title of the book is "Leaving"...duh! anyway, it reminded me of a children's book that she also wrote titled "let me hold you longer" (which by the way is a tear jerker....so mom's if you need a good cry, read this. i can NEVER finish the darn thing. whenever the kids bring it to me to read alan just laughs because he knows he will have to finish it). it talks about holding on to those precious "lasts." you know last t-ball game, last dance recital...that kind of thing. well, it got me thinking and now my brain won't shut off. last night was kindergarten round up for alaina. this was the first year that they actually had the kids come with the parents so they could meet the teachers and see the classrooms, while the parents stayed in one room to listen to a few speakers and fill out paperwork. it really hit me hard when she got up to and ran to where the teachers were standing. she is going to kindergarten (it's a good thing alan didn't see my glistening eyes because he was making fun of all the moms who were already crying). i know i just said something about this, and i said something a while back about kylee, but it is hard. it's a new season and a last. her last day of preschool is in just a few weeks. i am not sure how to explain it...but in this season of my life (a mom of small children) is busy and things that are hard seem like they will last forever. like kylee learning how to read.....whoah...i thought that teaching her how to do that would last forever (and it was not fun), but it past and it became a "last" time of us having to help her how to read....and how i didn't stop and recognize that. i guess what i am saying is that i want to slow down and recognize those times...stamp them on my brain so i will remember for as long as i can. mya is speeding through some of her lasts.....and for me those will be the very last because we are not having anymore kids. alan, just wait for kindergarten round up for mya....i will just plan on bringing my box of kleenex! i am not ashamed!!
on another note.....spring is here and feels oh so good. have i mentioned how much mya likes it? she absolutely loves it outside. i cannot wait for our fence to be put in so we can finally get a swing set. i think i may be more excited than the girls.
a couple more things about mya that i want to get down before i forget....
*i don't dare change her diaper before she eats in the morning (she freaks out...for the life of me, i don't understand why she would want to lay there in saturated
*if you take something away from her that she is playing with...watch out, the back is
arched, the head into the floor and the screaming begins (isn't it a little early for
*she absolutely loves taking walks.
*loves, loves, loves food....she really likes broccoli, which i think is pretty awesome!
*she is officially on the move (except when she is wearing dresses...they frustrate the crud
out of her because she trips up on them.
miss kylee had her first father/daughter dance the other night. kylee didn't want to go because she didn't want to wear a dress. but sure enough, once she put it on her eyes lit up and she was ready to go. she looked lovely! her daddy looked pretty good himself!
oh, and little lou is becoming a pro at doing her own hair ;-) lainey has really been into hot dogs too, so the other day i told her she was going to turn into a hot dog if she kept it up. she told me, "no, i'll just have hot brain!" (i guess that is the opposite of brain freeze??) what a goof! as always she makes me laugh!