all i have wanted to do since we got back from our trip was to blog about it. so much has happened these past few weeks...i didn't want to miss anything. well, i guarantee i will forget or have forgotten all that i wanted to say. darn it!!!
i guess i'll start with our trip. it was wonderful, but how could hawaii not be wonderful? ten minutes before we left for the airport we got a phone call from papa telling us that there was huge earthquake in japan and a tsunami was on it's way...but that we should still plan on coming. uh...what.....o...k! thank goodness everything turned out just fine. and that little baby of ours that we were so worried about taking on a plane for so long....AMAZING! miss mya was delightful. thank you everyone who prayed for us. we truly felt them. i just think she loved the all the extra attention she was getting from everyone on the plane. she was eating it up.
well we got there unscathed! the first couple of days for poor kylee were a little rough....from being visited by a water bug (which was almost 2 in long) while going to the bathroom, sunburn cheeks...aloe vera in the eyes, then a bee sting to boot! poor baby. fortunately things started looking up and she never looked back. we all were taken back by mya. she was the happiest baby ever. what's not to love...no clothes, warm sun, soothing water, family all around me and mommy ALL the time...oh, and PUFFS! i wasn't sure we would be bringing back a baby to kansas, rather a gerber puff!
we celebrated alaina's fifth birthday while we were there! we started the day with with breakfast in papa and ohie's bed...seeing as how the girls never stayed in our condo! then instead of beach time (because the girls faces got a little too much sun) we went and played miniature golf (lainey called it "nature golf") and jumped on the big trampoline. her birthday cake had to be improvised a bit. it was a pineapple upside down cake that was frosted....it was oh so yummy! we even saw a hula show....that kylee and alaina were the stars of.
one morning all the girls were swimming in the pool with ohie. mya was in her little raft and was not too happy. there was a group of older gals doing water aerobics in the pool watching her. ohie starting singing her favorite song, "you are my sunshine" so she would quiet down. well, the song seemed to get every ones attention...all the women started singing "you are my sunshine" to her....even the man floating in the deep end joined in. it was so cute!
i hate that so much time has passed...i am forgetting all the funny little stories. oh, i just remembered one! on our way to the airport alaina rode with papa and ohie, while the other two rode with alan and i. i guess someone cut off bruce while driving and he almost said something not so nice....when alaina chimed in and said, "my daddy says bad words when people do that."
o: "oh he does?"
a: "he says ass...uh.....hhhh.....ol...e."
o: "i bet your mommy gets mad at daddy when he says that."
a: "nope, she says them too....she says stuh....oooo...p...id."
phew! it was a good thing she didn't remember something i said on a bad day in the car.
i guess if another story comes to mind i will have to add it to this. i know they are in my brain somewhere...it's just late and i need to go to bed.
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