
i know this is gross, but for the past few years we have had a bad case of plantar's wart living among us. it actually started with me probably 5-6 years ago. i went from dr. to dr. to get ride of it and it always came back. it was in such an odd place it really bothered me so i was determined to get rid of it. so two years ago, i finally found a dr. that got rid of it. by this time alan already had one. about six months ago (if that) we found one on lainey's foot. the exact same foot and same spot as alan's. they are more alike everyday ;-) anyway, yesterday she had it removed (cut out). the worst part of it is the hurts like a son of a gun!! after laying on top of her and alan holding down her leg...and the screams terrifying the whole office she did great! i have had such a hard time keeping her off of her foot. even today after foot had "woken" up, she has still been all over the place. sweet funny girl. i think she is going to be just fine!!! she sure is doing better than i did!! next it's alan's turn ;-)
miss mya on the other hand is becoming quite the ornary one! let's see if i can remember everything. the other day she was in my closet when i noticed that she was playing against the wall next to the was odd, so when i went in there to see what she was doing, i saw her fiddling around with the electrical outlet!! YIKES!!! great...the one outlet i forgot to put safety covers on. thank goodness she didn't get a finger in there. today i hadn't turned for more than a minute and she was climbing up the stairs. crap!! the other two never went near an electrical outlet, and was never very interested in the least not for a little while longer. she is definitely going to keep me on my toes. i am going to be very said when lainey goes off to kindergarten next year...not only because she is leaving me, but i am also losing an extra set of eyes!!
this week has been such a whirl wind, i hadn't had a chance to post earlier how great it has been to see the sunshine. it was so needed, and i was so grateful. today is a work day (well, tonight anyway), so a little rain is nice!
a side note: at bed time we have been reading about moses and the israelites. it's funny when one of the girls recognizes what we are talking about they get so excited and try to blurt out what they know before i can read or say it. well, we were talking about the israelites wondering in the desert....they weren't going to get to see the land God had promised them. kylee piped up and said, "oh yeah, the land of honey and nuts!" i about fell over. too darn cute. i love it when they say stuff like that. it makes my heart smile. now i just wish i could remember the funny things lainey has said in the last couple of days....i just can't remember them (darn it)!! my very literal girl always says the darndest things. if i remember i will post them.
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